Explainer Video Production

Simplify the complex in 2 minutes or less


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What are explainer videos and why use them?

An explainer video (also known as a homepage video, overview video, conversion video, or many other names) is designed to explain your company, product, service or subject in a way that your audience can understand in two minutes or less. Most explainer videos cover four key points: the problem, the solution, the features and benefits, and how the solution works.The key to a solid explainer is keeping it short and engaging, while still conveying the right information. No matter what you’re explaining, an explainer video should leave your viewers with a clear understanding of what you do and a desire to take the next step.

What are some characteristics of a great explainer video?

Two minutes or lessClear and conciseConversational toneA focus on benefits not featuresSpecific call-to-action

When and how should I use an explainer video?

Explainer videos are typically used towards the top of the funnel (consideration phase). They’re most useful when a potential customer is aware of their problem/need and starting to look at potential solutions. Places to put your explainer video: homepages, product or service pages, newsletters, trade shows, and sales meetings. Once they've watched the explainer then you might be ready for them to check out a tutorial video production, that dives deeper into how it all works (and looks)

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Trusted by 150+ startups & enterprises

How does Wiggl create a concept for educational video content?

If you already have the subject matter figured out, great. Demo Duck will take whatever the content is and figure out the best framework for teaching it. This often means interacting with the experts on your team and working together to define a clear message with an engaging story.A concept could be an animated talking narwhal educating viewers about climate change or one of your engineers talking about how satellites work. If you don’t know exactly what you should teach your audience, but you know a general category, we’ll pitch you a few of our ideas. The possibilities are endless.A good explainer video concept needs to balance creative and strategy. The creative is required to engage the viewer and give them a reason to care about watching your video. The strategy is required to ensure you deliver a message that resonates with your viewers and motivates them to take the desired action.


Selected work

Dec 22, 2023


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Dec 22, 2023


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Dec 22, 2023


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Frequently asked questions 🤔

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Why work with Wiggl?
How long does it take?
What types of videos do we offer?
How much does a typical video cost? What’s the typical production process?